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Eski Yazılar

Yayınlanma tarihi Şubat 01, 2003 - 11:28:21 Gönderen ringmaster

LOTR / Elf Dili Rogue göndermiş "GRAMMAR

* Denoted r, ea, ie, or, io, and oo. Exact choice is left up to the person creating the plural.
* Use -rim to denote great numbers or respect
nimbrethie = birches
Aredhelrim = elf lords

* when used alone pronouns express subjects (amin mela lle - I love you)
* when used in possessive phrases they express possession (melamin - my love)

I (my,mine) amin him (his) ho
we, us (ours) lye her (hers) he
he ro they ron
she re them (their) sen
it (its) ta this sina
you (yours) lle that tanya

you(p) (yours-p) llie who ya

* Append pronoun to end of object.
* Pluralize noun first.
irmo = desire, irmoamin = my desire or irmoieamin = my desires
atar = father, atarho = his father
Subject of Subject:possessor
* Seperate secondary subject (possessed by primary subject) with en
from the simple familiar of the primary subject.
mela en coiamin love of the life of I love of my life
tinu en atarahe daughter of the mother of her her mother's daughter

Subject of Possessor
* use when possessor is expressing distance/separation from object
or when possessor is proper.
* Seperate subject from possessor with en.
mellon en amin friend of I my friend (expresses distance)
megil en Lywnis sword of Lywnis Lywnis' sword

* Append to the front of the object/action they are describing.
corialote purple flower
lashae wide ocean (last 2 n’s from lann dropped)
* when expressing intensities (i.e. bright, brighter, brightest)
1) when stem ends in vowel append -n for -er and -nin for -est
tiri = bright, brightly tirin = brighter tirinin = brightest
2)when stem ends in noun append -in for -er and -inin for -est
calen = green calenin = greener caleninin = greenest

* Follows verb in unchanged form.
* Also see intensity rules listed above.
cormamin glina tiri my heart it gleams bright my heart gleams brightly
i'aredhelrim quene hodo the elf lords they spoke wise the elf lords spoke wisely

* Conjugate to past, present, future, conditional with e,a, uva, aya
past -e
present -a
future -uva
conditional -aya
amin elee = I saw, amin elea = I see, amin eleuva = I shall see, amin eleaya = I would see
* two or more conjugated verbs may exist in one phrase as long as are not strung together.
* use unconjugated verbs when stringing more than one together
amin irma quen I desire to speak
lle delotha mel amin You hate to love me
* -ing endings are expressed by appending -ad or -ien to the stem if it ends in a noun
or - d if it ends in a vowel.
amin naa tulien a' i'til I am coming to the point
* -ed endings are expressed using the past tense conjugation.
nardane ron kaime e' i'ranquie en' ilye n'at entwined they slept in each others arms

* keep it simple, use portions of other words, and try to remain true to the flowing nature of elven
* before using the words your new words, either post them to the GC private folder entitled Elven
Language Discussion, or get written permission from the Keeper of The Dictionary.
* rationalize your derivation, before using the words that you create. If a suitable words for
derivation do not exist than make one up keeping in mind simplicity and the nature of elven.
* when taking a noun from a verb stem:
1) conjugate to present form for direct noun (i.e. ele- to see, elea(v) sees, elea(n) sight
2) for a related term, append either o or u to the stem (i.e. eleo - eye)
3) when ascribing the verb to a person, append ar to the stem
(i.e. oht-war, ohtar - warrior)
* when creating words from two or more words, append together and drop enough letters from
the appendor to avoid cumbersome letter sequences (see below)

* Use subject - verb - object (add adverbs and adjectives as above)
* Phrase questions as statements followed by question maker.
* Words such as a, does, would etc. may be inferred from the context of the phrase.
* When appending pronouns or adjectives, you may drop letters from the appendor
in order to eliminate awkward sequences of letters. Examples would be avoiding
3 consonants in a row, 3 vowels in a row, or 2 of the same vowel in a row.
Amin mela lle. I love you.
Lye nuquernuva sen e dagor We will defeat them in battle
Lle anta yulna en alu? Do you need a drink of water?
Uma, amin naa fauka. Yes, I am thirsty
Amin sinta thaliolle e dagor I know your strength in battle.
More Complex Examples:
Amin lastuva ten' aredhelamin quena hodo.
I will listen because my lord (elf) speaks wisely

Llie tula mellonea, vasa ni yulna en mereth en amin.
Come friends, eat and drink of my feast

Il'quen sinta mellonamin Lywnis?
Does everybody know my friend Lywnis?

Uma, lye sinta ho.
Yes, we know him.

WORD LIST i ise yakında(işalla diyecem çünkü 2 F yüzünden 1,63 olan ortalamamı 2. dönemde 2,37ye yükseltemessem kalıcam, bu da kasıcam demektir) sitemde bulabileceksiniz..

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Henüz bir hesabınız yok mu? Yeni bir tane yaratabilirsiniz. Kayıtlı bir kullanıcı olarak tema yöneticisi, yorum yönetimi ve kendi adınızla yazı girişi gibi imkanlardan faydalanabileceksiniz.

İlgili Linkler
· LOTR / Elf Dili Hakkında
· Yayınlayan Editör: ringmaster

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Re: ELVISH (Puan: 1)
Gönderen Rogue Tarih: Nisan 18, 2003 - 17:09:24
(Kullanıcı Bilgisi | Mesaj Gönder)
arkadaslar bahsettigim word list sayfama kondu

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